The Berkeley County Sheriff’s Office recognizes a need to build strong rapport and professional relationships with area youth. Chartered by the Boy Scouts of America, Explorer Post 700 is a function of the Sheriff’s Office that puts young people, who are interested in law enforcement, in direct contact with Deputies.
An Explorer Post is fundamentally a Scout group for young adults, male or female, who are between 14 and 21 years of age and have completed the eighth grade.
The mission of Exploring is to help young people mature at this particular stage of their lives to prepare them to become responsible and caring adults.
This is done through a program of activities that helps youth pursue their special interests.
Explorer Post 700 meets every Monday night at 6:30 pm with the exception of holidays.
At these meetings, Explorers are instructed on different topics related to the law enforcement field including:
For more information, you can contact the Berkeley County Sheriff’s Office at (843) 719-4412 or the Special Operations Division at (843) 719-4450 and leave a message for Captain Shuler.