Consists of the Special Response Team, Crisis Negotiation Team, Marine Patrol, Underway Recovery Team, Rescue, and Bike Team.
Major Bobby Shuler is the Sheriff’s Office Special Response Team (SRT) Operations Commander, and Sergeant Joey Seegars is the team leader. The SRT is responsible for providing specialized trained and equipped personnel to respond to high-risk situations. These include high-risk search warrants, barricaded subjects, hostage situations or any other situations that the Sheriff or his designee deems necessary for SRT response. Deputies must successfully pass a rigorous physical agility test, firearms qualification, mental aptitude scenarios, an obstacle/stress course, and a review panel to be selected to the team. The team trains monthly to ensure the proficiency of the unit. The unit trained regularly attends advanced SWAT and similar training.
Captain Annie Jackson is the Commander of the Crisis Negotiation Team. The team is comprised of deputies trained to safely resolve critical incidents such as barricaded armed suspects and hostage takers. The team trains monthly and semi-annually with the Special Response Team.
Captain Michael Crumley serves as the Marine Patrol Commander. Members of the Marine Patrol Unit patrol Lake Moultrie and the waterways in Berkeley County. They promote boater safety and enforce state laws concerning the safe operation of watercraft. Unit members also respond to incidents on the water to assist in the recovery of persons, articles, and vehicles or other items of evidentiary value to support law enforcement objectives. The Marine Patrol also supports the Underwater Recovery Team (URT) operations and assists the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) during special events and general law enforcement activities.
Captain Michael Crumley is the Underwater Recovery Team (URT) Commander. URT responds to incidents involving the recovery of persons, articles, and vehicles or other items of evidentiary value to support law enforcement objectives.
In 2018, the Sheriff’s Office assumed the responsibility for rescue operations pertaining to marine and ground search rescue. Several teams including the Marine Patrol Team, Dive Team, and the Sheriff’s Office Auxiliary/Rescue Team work together to coordinate and execute rescue operations.
Lieutenant Daniel Morton and Sergeant Steve Zubkoff supervise the Bike Patrol Team. The Bike Patrol Team patrols subdivisions and works special assignments and events. The team also works with local agencies to support their missions and events. The specially equipped bikes allow deputies to patrol areas that are not accessible to vehicles. This is very beneficial in neighborhoods experiencing car break-ins, burglaries, or drug issues. There are currently six bike certified Community Action Team members and four bike certified deputies in the Uniform Patrol Division.